I'm on my way to open a new workshop on exploring the multidimensional self, in a wonderful airy studio in the woods just outside Mystic, Connecticut, under the full moon of October.
My travel reading includes Seth Speaks. I see from the flyleaf that I first read this book, channeled by an entity named Seth by Jane Roberts, back in 1988, when I was trying to make sense of some profound, indeed revolutionary, experiences of my own in the universe beyond the five senses. Though generally resistant to channeled material, I found here a very clear and helpful model for reality creation and for understanding relations between the ordinary self, personalities in other times and places, and the self on a higher level. I went on to read everything I could find in print by Jane Roberts and Seth, including Jane's wonderful Oversoul 7 trilogy.
So I start the day (after noting some dreams from the night) by opening Seth Speaks at random for a thought for the day. I find this:
Knowing your reincarnational background, but not knowing the true nature of your present self, is useless. You cannot justify or rationalize present circumstances by saying, "This is because of something I did in a past life," for within yourself now is the ability to change negative influences.
Yes. And this can be applied to the lives we may lead within one single span of years. As a matter of fact, if we want to grasp the nature of reincarnation we would do well to study how we can rebirth ourselves several times within our present lifetimes.
When you change your life utterly - as I did in the period when I first read Seth Speaks (and was dreaming of an ancient native "woman of power" who required me to learn Mohawk in order to understand her) - you may find you have some karma to deal with, bequeathed by your former selves. You may be distracted by "bleed-throughs" from "probable selves" (as Seth would call them), parallel versions of you who made different choices and are walking not far from you, on paths you abandoned.
Your power is now. You stand now at the center of all times and dimensions. Your challenge is to explore how much it is possible to influence for the good of all through the choices you now make.
Hindu vision of a chain of reincarnation. Image from Himalayan Academy Publications, Kauai.
"Your power is now. You stand now at the center of all times and dimensions."
When I read this, the truth of it instantly vibrated through my whole body. Something shifted. Suddenly the concept of being present, of being fully in the moment, is now real.
"Your power is now": yes but it's also "then", as in any one of your so-called past lives you could have attained at least moments of cosmic consciousness and seen through the illusion of personality, time and space.
Of course i agree, Robert, but unfortunately the thought has been terminally trivialized by the mega-success of Tolle's "Power Of Now" which has bred millions of instant know-it-alls, who may have an intellectual grasp on the concept, but are miles from the actual experience.
Very well written and thought out. At par with your in your audio Dream-gates tape series version of meditating on your own death.
First, I dug out my old copy of Seth Speaks and have started to re-read it, since I couldn't make any sense of it 20+ years ago, deep then in my left-brained math-centric narrow view. Second, I re-invented myself in a big way a week ago on a visit to my elderly Mom -- yes the journey to Ithaca and back was perilous, but long overdue. That old skin was getting way too tight and constricting, and it was high time to shed it so I can grow even more. Thanks!
Thank you for the inspiration to dig up my copy of one of those Seth books, Robert. It's been waiting for a while and hiding somewhere on my shelves... I've been dreaming more into other lives or at least cues to other lives since you've been sharing on this subject. Yesterday my multi-seeing vantage point looked a lot like a construction site portable hung with frames and portraits, and the desk held ball of clear hand blown glass that reminded me of your big sheep dream. As the owner of the office talks to me about choosing trains and journeys, I look through a window onto the street and suddenly I remember multiple dreams (of which in waking life I have no recollection,) of myself leaping over a train in motion. I watch the shimmery replays over and over through this window, in which the train is scaled down and I am scaled up and dressed rather unlike my waking self. I am pleased to see myself taking a leap, but wonder why OVER the train? Then inside the room, from the corner of my imagination, I see a young girl in a pale pink Victorian dress hovering in the room. For a moment I think she is me, and then she's gone and the room around me seems to shift back into something closer to ordinary reality. One of those bleed-throughs, maybe... The curious scale difference reminded me of your dream, and I also wonder if this is a self with a taller vantage point before merging WITH any given train, should she so choose. Your closing paragraph are such powerful words to live by... a challenge indeed!
Thanks Robert. I serve on an Interfaith Council. Tonight we sponsored our annual concert. There was a moment when we danced. We were Muslims, Jews, various denominations of Christians following the dance of a Haudensaunee (Iroquois)woman. We circled the church pews, moving counter-clockwise to the beat of the drums, recalling the good things in our lives. We snaked through and between the pews and spiraled back to the front. We moved in and through and beyond time, weaving together ancient spiritual traditions, dancing at the center of all times and dimensions. It was for our good and the good of all.
The decisions we make now, the actions we take now, have a rippling effect not only in our everyday world then, but throughout the dimensions we walk. I wonder how common it is to come together in this existence with persons with whom we are sharing intimacy, adventures in one or more other dimensions simultaneously, dimensions not broken off through choices not taken in this earthwalk, but rather dimensions that may be behind the veil of this existence. This would hold the propensity for bleed throughs that could unconsciously or semi-consciously impact us in rather compelling ways.
. I tend to stay away from people who channel from people in other dimensions. The one exception I have made was Edgar Cayce. And I know that he was proven wrong on rare occasions.
. I believe that reincarnation is important. I believe you can identify things in your present that have been affected by previous incarnations.
. Quite a few years ago my wife went to a psychic to learn about her past lives. The psychic picked up on me, even though I was not present and my wife had not mentioned me. My wife was told that I was her son in an incarnation about the time of Columbus. We were Carib Indians. She was a shaman. She was also an herbalist. I learned the trade from her.
. When we met in this incarnation we felt like we already knew each other. We both had a strong interest in herbs and herbal medicine. It is impossible for me to discount our having been related in our previous incarnation.
. I like the statement "Your power is now" Now is where we are at. And, as you said, we are at the center of all times and dimensions. That is a powerful statement.
. Thank you for posting such an interesting topic.
Don - Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. Though I am wary both of channeled material and simplistic linear versions of reincarnation, I have no doubt that there are authentic mediums who bring important things through, and that other life stories may be highly relevant to understanding current challenges and relationships. I explore these matters in my book "Dreamgates" and I am gathering fresh data and developing a new model that I'll lay out in a future book.
Word of Gord - I don't think we can ever say often enough that the time is NOW, and we should operate proactively in that understanding.
Jeri - Thank you. Truth comes with goosebumps, or shivers.
Sal - Many thanks. For those who are wondering I should clarify that my "Dream Gates" CDs are not a book on tape but an independent production, recorded BEFORE I wrote "Dreamgates" the book, which includes important new material and has been further expanded in the beautiful new edition from New World Library.
Nina - I love your quote from Macbeth: "The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles". Exactly. A reminder to use caution and discernment in evaluating sources on the inner planes (and elsewhere). When I think about the most trustworthy inner sources, I often find myself thinking of that still small voice from deep within that you KNOW speaks only truth. If you have not already seen this account, you may be interested in my narrative of "Travels with G-2" in my book "Dreamgates."
Savannah - Thanks for sharing the magic of your shimmering night of dreaming. There's an Alice in Wonderland quality here, and when I think about it, Lewis Carroll got it right when he depicted how other worlds reveal themselves through a radical change of scale. I'm intrigued by your Victorian girl, and can sense and see her, as if through an arras (somehow I have to use that word).
Carol - Thanks for this beautiful dance of harmony. The other day I found myself quoting a Sufi-inclined poet (al-Ghazali) I discovered as an undergraduate: "Mine is the one true God. Wherever turn his camels, still the one true God is mine." The bit about the camels of course refers to the many paths to the divine.
Diana - Thanks for evoking so precisely the ripple effect of our actions and choices.
Nancy - Glad you survived the round trip to Ithaca! Many blessings.
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