I am teaching two ways of re-making the future. One involves working with what looks like a ball of string. The second way involves scooping, molding and sculpting a heap of soft material, like dough or squishy clay.
I have announced that a prize will be given for the best student in each category. The bigger prize will go to the one who sculpts from the formless mass of pliable "dough".
The students are eager to try this assignment. As they take turns to separate strings from the ball, I notice that the strings look a bit like long strips of celluloid, as were used to record and project films. A vigorous, stocky man throws himself into molding and sculpting the heap of soft matter. He's building an amazing structure and he's the clear favorite to win the prize I have announced.
Feelings: Actively curious and intrigued.
Reality: I teach people to play with the idea that we can switch from one probable event track, running into the future, to another. This can be visualized as selecting one string of events from a ball of possibilities. I also like the idea that we can "rewind" a certain sequence - in life as in dreams - back to a certain point of decision, and then go forward with a different scenario.
I also love the image of sculpting a life project out of a soft mass of unformed material. The prize is no doubt bigger here because there is more creating to be done. I think of how, in the imaginal realm, we can build cities and palaces of subtle and ideoplastic substance. It could be contended that it is from creation on this plane that physical structures and situations are manifested.
Tunnel of Light by Eve Fouquet
Hi, Robert. I like playing with a "touch screen". I call drag things to create the future of my choice. Then I click "print"!
My first thought was - "string theory."
I wonder, do you have a sense if the celluloid was exposed? If it was, in my dream, I see a contrast between creating from the past and creating from pure, unbridled imagination.
Eric - interesting question. My sense is that the celluloid was exposed, but subject to reworking. And that the molding of the other material was closer to creating from prima materia.
Alice - I like your play with the "touch screen". May you "print" your best futures!
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