Plotinus said that our most important tutelary spirit is the self on a level above the one we are on. I have found this to be true. I think of this self as my double on the balcony, because in half-dream states I have encountered him on a high roof terrace, a vantage point from which it is possible to find patterns in the confusion of life below and approach life choices with detachment and even a sense of divine comedy.
I meet this life teacher in interior dialogues, above all, once again, in the half-dream state that researchers call hypnagogia but is more elegantly described as dorveille in Old French, dormiveglia in curent Italian. I feel that at a tremendous turning point in my life, our minds and energies merged.
Let me try to make a general obseravtion before I turn this discussion over to the record of a conversation I made many years ago. .
As we go through a
process of spiritual evolution, we may grow to the point where we can fuse our
current personality with a higher self and now progress to a
relationship with a self on yet a higher level, and so on up the scale. Through
successive transformations, we may reach a level where we are able to survey —
on a continuing or even constant basis — our relations with many aspects of our
multidimensional self, including personalities living in other places and
times, without losing our ability to navigate in our present bodies.
heart. I am with you always. I know you better than you know yourself.” This
was the opening of communication with an inner teacher that I recorded on the
night before Halloween in 1993.
"Now we are one but may still talk as two.”
This was the essence of communication from the same inner
voice, as I received it on March 13, 1995. Over many months, I had come to know
and trust that inner speaker. He had given me a wealth of information I was
able to test and verify, and apply in ordinary reality. That night, I had
stretched out on my bed after applying myself to several hours of reading and
reflection on our relations with inner teachers. What was coming through now
was direct knowledge.
“Your mind on my purpose.”
That was familiar language, the way this inner voice
encouraged me to give my full attention to what was coming through. The best
communication of this kind, I had learned, comes in a state of relaxed
attention, or attentive relaxation. I don’t think of this as channeling,
because I am fully conscious throughout, able to ask questions and to engage in
a full dialogue when that seems appropriate. On that night, a self that was no
stranger gave me some very clear information:
"When fusion takes place between a focus personality and the Higher Self -
that is to say, the control
personality on the plane directly above the focus personality -the result is a
step forward in personal evolution that will revise the scales of the contacts.
The Higher Self now becomes an entity on a higher level than before.
"This progression has taken humans from the conditions of the group soul —
comparable to animals or even insects — to higher individuation. It can take
the species as a whole to a new plane. Indeed, from this point of view, you are
attending the emergence of a new species.Your physical equipment imposes
limitations on both consciousness and memory. The three-tiered brain joins you
to the crocodile and the horse as well as the emerging human. New structures in
the brain are being evolved. Rising on the planes brings a process of
physiological change — in the metabolism, in the composition and replacement of
cells, and, naturally, in the chemistry and electrical engineering of the
"Now we are one but may still talk as two.
Beyond us, a higher, clearer, purer intelligence is seeking to manifest and
contact you as you rise on the planes."
This came from an inner voice of the kind we come to know and trust. As I
recorded hundreds of pages of communications from this source over the years, I
reassured myself that if I was going crazy, I was in good company. Socrates
knew such a voice, and Plutarch wrote an essay about it. The truest guide is no
stranger. As Rumi put it: “The one who knows everything is with you now, closer
than your jugular vein.”
Text adapted from "The Double on the Balcony", chapter 31 of The Boy Who Died and CameBack: Adventures of a Dream Archaeologist in the Multiverse by Robert Moss. Published by New World Library.
Journal drawing: "Path to the Higher Self" by Robert Moss
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