Saturday, December 24, 2022

A Dreamer's Notes: The Cover Girl is Out of the Book

There are books that won't stay quietly on a shelf or a table unless you put them inside a birdcage. My book Conscious Dreaming once flew off a shelf in the Boulder Book Store in Colorado and struck a visiting shamanic teacher at the third eye. He bought it, read it, and invited me to his city to lead a workshop. 

Someone told me this week that that she dreamed the cover of Dreamgates, my book for frequent flyers. I was inspired to look up my report of an experience in the drifty hypnopompic zone between sleep and awake, when that book showed signs of life in an interesting way. Cover girls are one thing, but we don't expect book covers to start kicking up their heels.

January 4, 2020

Hypnopompic state

The Girl from My Book

Lying in bed after waking I become aware there is something like a television monitor above the right side of my head. It is superposed on the ceiling rather than in the ceiling. The colors are poster paint bright. There is a young fair haired girl in a white dress and a white horse under a huge leafy tree

They are familiar. Can this be the girl who is sleeping on a branch of a giant tree while a white horse grazes on the cover of my book Dreamgates? I recall now that in a dream before waking I was reading pages from Dreamgates aloud to a girl who needed help in transitioning between different energy bodies

The girl on the screen above me looks at me and says, "When I wake up here, I fall asleep there."

She shows me things beyond the picture on the cover of my book, which has become a living landscape. There is a primal beast the size of an elephant that makes me a little nervous until she demonstrates that it obeys her like a trained dog. Like the girl in my dream she wants to discuss subtle bodies and what happens when we travel beyond the astral plane. Perhaps she is the girl from the dream as well as the girl from the book tree. We'll be talking some more, when she falls asleep there and wakes up here.

I tracked down the drawing I made from this vision. The girl on the screen deserved some special recognition. Cover girls are one thing, but we don't expect book covers to start kicking up their heels.

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