I strike fast, but before I strike I probe for the best way through the air currents, sending down feeders you cannot see.
I am drawn to oak trees, and to humans who have the quality of oak, hanging on to their foliage when other trees have shed theirs, standing tall, deep-rooted in earth, but always reaching for the sky.
I fall in love, as humans and spirits do. The humans I love best will be stroked by my fire and can read my movements in energy fields. They will be challenged, as others are, to ground my power safely, because I sometimes forget that these soft animals are weak vessels that need to conduct my force instead of holding it to themselves.
Connect with me, and you take on my speed, my ability to focus energy – and the challenge of remaining grounded and of passing on my gifts.
Robert this is pure poetry. It reminds me of the Native American Thunder Beings and how the quick energetic lightening strike resembles the moment of revelation in a human being, that ahha moment that resets our belief system and changes everything for us in the instant it comes upon us. Thank you for speaking for the Thunder Beings!
Dear Lightning,
We have long been connected since that time when I was a girl adjusting a window fan one hot summer. You flashed and the fan blades whirled clockwise and counterclockwise. Time stood still. You flashed and I was tossed across the room. Oh yes, I remember you well. I'm glad you remembered on that occasion that my body is made of flesh. Thank you.
You are one of the ones who sparks my creativity, who flashes new insights, who dances brightly showing me what I need to see when I am in the dark.
Thank you.
I'd like to read something about staying grounded. Not so much that we can't achieve lift off, but also not so scattered that a target can't be struck. In one of your books you talk about a few different styles of dreamers, (was it "Secret History..."?) natural empaths and people who pick up a lot of "static electricity" around them from other peoples fields. I have a few of my own methods for dealing with this, but I'm curious to know what your take on it is.
This reminds me of the first time I met your wife, several years back. I asked her "What's it like to live with a lightning bolt in the house?". You told me later, after she had related this to you, that she is very grounded.
Want to get grounded? Walk barefoot on the earth. Get skin-to-earth contact as often as possible. Earth energy is the original vitamin E.
Thanks Mike - and thank you for recalling the Thunder Beings.
Dearest Carol - I have passed on your billet doux to Lightning. He says he remembers you well, as a child, and is proud of you, as the wise counselor and gifted dreamer you have become.
Justin - Keep your feet on the good earth, your face to the sun, and study the lessons of the oak.
Nancy - Your question has become one of our family legends...
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