Wednesday, February 5, 2025

If you can't remember your dreams

 "I can't remember my dreams."

1. Ask your cat to share a dream.
2. Be kind to wisps. You may have a tiny something from a dream if you don't close the door right away.
3. Write in your journal every day, whether or not you have a dream to report.
4. Wake up to the fact that you don't need to go to sleep in order to dream. The world around you will speak to you in the manner of dreams- through signs, symbols and synchronicity - if you pay attention.
5. Try to assure the beautiful bright dreamer in you that you are safe and you are fun. She may have been in hiding for a long time.
6. Find friends with whom you can share dreams and personal stories in a fast, fun way that leads to action to embody creative and healing energy from another world in ordinary life. Make dreamwork socially rewarding, and you have a strong incentive to bring a new story to the table every day.
7. .Learn the Lightning Dreamwork process. Accept no substitutes!

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