Thursday, December 29, 2022

A Dreamer's Notes: Creating a Psychic Cop

I was inspired by a question I was asked today to look again in my dream detective's casebook. I was asked, “Are there codes of ethics or laws in the dreamworld to abide by?”

My immediate response: For me we are morally responsible for our actions in all realities. Different communities set different rules in any world according to their belief systems and social codes.

My further thought: There are psychic police who try to prevent astral felonies of various kinds. I found this journal account of an experience in which I tried to play a defender of this kind and may have helped to generate an entity to restrain a potential abuser.

March 12, 2010


Creating a Psychic Cop

I've been invited to stay at the palatial home of a very wealthy family. I think they are Swedes, members of the old Swedish merchant/industrial dynasties. We are going to a villa that is part of a family complex on a lake or inlet. 

On my left, through picture windows in the house, I notice a number of subtly-lit grottos or caverns nearby, each containing treasures. A couple of these caverns hold marvelous libraries of old books, clearly visible through thick glass walls, in climate-controlled spaces. The caverns are either man-made or have been converted to form a kind of matching set. I have the impression that the water in front of the houses is also a controlled environment, that these people have sought to arrange their world so they can even dial a temperature for a large body of water. 

My host is a charming older man, both worldly and scholarly. It seems that his extended family is gathering for the wedding of his young daughter. This is an arranged marriage, set up in the old dynastic way to join two branches of this powerful Swedish family. The key planner is the mother of the groom, a sharp-featured snobbish schemer who always insists on appearances and protocol being just so. She does not approve of my casual clothing, for example, making it clear she expects me to dress in more stylish clothes for dinner. I walk to the room where I have left my bag to consider my dress options and find a couple snogging there. 

I leave them to it and enter another room where I find the intended groom assaulting a woman. I think his intended victim is not his bride-to-be but another young woman he considers vulnerable, a poor relative or household servant. I pull him off the girl and teach him a lesson by winding fishing line tightly around his balls, making it plain to him that he could lose them if he fails to get the message. When I release him, I sense that he has no intention of changing his ways. He is spoiled and arrogant, a Eurotrash type in his late 20s who is his mother's darling. 

I magic up a kind of psychic cop that will force him to stop abusing women. A huge, heavily muscled figure takes form. Otherwise mindless, it has been created for just one purpose: to prevent the abuser from ever harming women again. I call it Maldonado. The spoiled abuser blanches at the sight of this figure, but relaxes when it fades from the scene, thinning to a mist and then vanishing. 

When the brat begins to reassume a sneering, bullying attitude, the psychic cop reappears, reducing him to abject submission. I make it clear to the abuser that this enforcer will stay very close to him from now on, and will manifest if he ever tries to break his "parole" by mistreating women again. 

I will now talk to the father of the young girl and the girl herself, to see whether they really want to go through with the wedding.

 Comment: I woke from this dream, happy and satisfied, on the morning of the second day of a workshop in the Baltic. When I shared it with a group of women in the workshop, they hooted with delight over my use of the fishing line. It turned out that two of them are actively involved in supporting survivors of sexual abuse. We agreed that it would be great if we could actually deploy psychic cops for protective purposes as my dream self-managed to do. "Actually, if you can do that in your dream, maybe you can do it in ordinary reality," suggested a therapist. I noted that my dream self often appears to be a long way ahead of me in his practice. I don’t know why I called my psychic cop Maldonado, which means “ill-favored’ in Spanish and is a well-known surname in that language.

I could of course play "What part of me?" with the dream, but it feels like a social, transpersonal dream in which I was inside the world of that Swedish family in one reality or another. Of course I have not trouble accepting that Maldonado is a projection of my own energy; he was made that way.

Illustration: "Psychic Cop" by RM with AI assistance


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