Monday, January 5, 2015

Serial dreams and parallel lives

Serial dreams, in which we find ourselves returning, again and again, to a life that is not our waking life offer an invitation to gather first-hand data on the possibility that we are leading parallel lives in alternate realities that may also be parallel worlds.
    Some serial dreams may reflect that fact that one or more of our soul-selves is “out there”, leading its own life in an alternate reality that is separated from that or our dominant personality. But serial dreams of this type open windows into even more spacious possibilities.
    While you are living your present life, on your present timeline, co-walkers are walking beside you, near or far, along their own paths, which branched off when they made different choices or took a different turning. There is the parallel self who stayed with your former lover, the white shadow that still works in the old job. If parallel universes are infinite, as some physicists believe, you have a parallel self who chose pancakes instead of eggs for breakfast, and another that has not opened this book.
     When it comes to studying parallel selves who took a radically different life path, developing different skills and relationships and incurring different karma, it is fascinating to consider what happens when two paths start to converge again. Before you are remotely aware that this is happening, you may feel a certain tilt to the day, and notice that you are drawing events and encounters in an unusual way.
People praise you or put you down in ways you can't fathom unless you awaken to how you are loaded now with karma a parallel self incurred in adventures you can't know about unless you are following the dream tracks of your multitudinous self.
     What if it were possible to reach to some of these alternate selves, and share gifts and life experiences with them in mutually supportive ways? We can attempt that through dream reentry. We can also seek to journey back to a crossroads on our previous life road, and seek to locate and then track the  parallel self that made a different choice from what put us where we are now. We can choose to follow the life of this alternate self from that moment of choice all the way up to the present time, make an inventory of what went wrong or right on that other path and then - most importantly - to harvest lessons and gifts from the alternate life trajectory.

Adapted from Dreaming the Soul Back Home by Robert Moss. Published by New World Library.

Art: RenĂ© Magritte, "La reproduction interdite". The book on the mantel is Edgar Allan Poe's classic tale of the double, here given the French title Les aventures d'Arthur Gordon Pymt. The picure is in the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam


  1. Bingo! We have a winner. How absolutely bright and potent is your essay this morning. I have serial dreams of those old career placements and former husband dreams. To reenter and retrack with the guidance you offer could be just what my astrologer is also suggesting at the moment as well: "Conservatives" and "Progressives" working together.

    Thank you Robert Moss.

  2. Thanks to your dream work=shops I know my parallel life very well. And I even think I know when we separated. I can draw a map and have detailed knowledge about my other life. It's fascinatng to think that we could meet. And there is other serial dreams I would like to investigate. Hope to be in Prague in mai 2015. A year filled with dreams.

  3. I am writing a novel about this subject. I have numerous instances of this parallel universe and of my alternate existence. In my story, a father in crises uses this reality as a means to rescue a person close to him. In doing so, he also rescues himself.

  4. I have serial dreams about my first boy friend and the job I worked when we were together. They come up rather often.
