Wednesday, February 19, 2014

On Pele's Island

The dreamers breakfast on kona coffee
and tropical fruit and stories
of shapeshifting overnight:
plant into human and back
black boar into lava rock,

swimmer into shark god, 
white woman into brown-skinned priestess, 
singer into dragonfly whose lover is the wind. 
Forms are fluid, everything quivers
at the edge of becoming something else. 
What else would you expect,
where the land is a thin blanket
over the molten body of a hot goddess, 

rising from her bed below the sea floor? 

- Kalani, February 17, 2014

Phot0: Kalani coast 2014 (c) Robert Moss

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful imagery of a well-loved site and island. Swimming in the pool and watching the dragonflies hover overhead, the fragrances waft through and the Buddha reclining amidst the fine, so fine.
