Thursday, June 6, 2013

Where to meet Tinker Bell

"You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting."
    This is Tinker Bell's advice to Peter Pan in a movie version of J.M.Barrie's beloved story. [1] I recommend following these fairy directions.
    The liminal state of hypnagogia, when you are drifting between sleep and awake, or between waking and sleep, is a marvelous launch-pad for conscious dreaming. I am surprised it is not featured more in all those books on "lucid" dreaming, because the easiest way to become a lucid or conscious dreamer is to start out conscious and stay that way.
    If you can train yourself to maintain a state of relaxed attention in this in-between state, you will notice that you may be receiving a whole menu of possibilities for lucid dream adventures. Imaged, faces, landscapes rise and fall. When you learn to hold one of them in focus, it may become the portal for a conscious journey.
    The Parade of Faces is a frequent phenomenon in this state. You may feel you are among a crowd of people, with faces and figures rushing by. Sometimes one may turn to look at you, which can be an interesting opportunity to enter a shared experience with another dream traveler you may or may not know in ordinary reality.
    Sometimes the images rising and falling before you look like a child's sketches, or cartoons.
    A frequent sighting for me, in this in-between state, is of what initially looks like the weave of a carpet or the mesh of a net. I have come to recognize this as a kind of border between states of reality and consciousness. With intention, I can part the strands and find myself in another order or reality.
    The liminal state of hypnagogia, which I call the Twilight Zone in my book Dreamgates, is a good place to become aware of your ability to travel beyond the body. I often find myself lifting out of the body quite effortlessly in this state, without bumps and grinds. Sometimes, when tired, I simply rest half in, half out, of my physical form. Sometimes I float up to the ceiling. Quite often I go flying, like a bird, over my sleeping city and to places far away.
    As Tinker Bell counseled, the Place Between Sleep and Awake is, above all, a wonderful place to rendezvous with other beings and other intelligences. It is a state in which we often become aware of the psychic activity around us. We may receive visitors, and we will want to learn to screen and discern who we are letting into our space, because to be open to all comers is like opening your doors and windows in a night city, hanging out signs saying, "Party! Come On In! Everyone Welcome!"
     I frequently have inner dialogues in the Place Between Sleep and Awake, with sources of knowledge I have come to trust. This is a time when I can often receive streams of counsel and information from inner guides. In Dreamgates, I record some of my conversations with the intelligence I decided to call "G2". He carried the vocabulary and knowledge of a great Western Mystery order. I felt he was a transpersonal figure, though in no way alien to me. Many others have come to me in this liminal state. The most important of these inner guides is certainly no stranger; he is a self who observes and operates on a level of reality above the one I inhabit while living on this Earth in a physical body.
    In  the history of creative breakthroughs in every field, including science and technology, the hypnagogic state has been of vital importance. In this liminal zone it is easy to make creative connections, which often involves linking things that seem to the routine mind to be unconnected. Many inventions and discoveries attributed to dreams by over-hasty writers - like Kekule's discovery of the benzene ring - are actually gifts brought through from hypnagogia, to such an extent that I call this zone of consciousness "the solution state" in my Secret History of Dreaming.
    The Place Between Sleep and Wake can also be the very best place to go on with a dream or go back inside one. You may want to practice dream reentry to clarify information from a dream, or get to its full meaning, or continue a conversation with a dream character. You may need to reenter a dream because there are terrors to be overcome, or a mystery to be explored, or simply because you were having fun and adventure and would like to have more. Or because Tinker Bell is waiting for you. 

1. These lovely words are spoken by Tinker Bell (played by Julia Roberts) to the grown-up Peter Pan (played by Robin Williams) in Steven Spielberg’s 1991 movie “Hook”, written by James V. Hart. Alas, they are not in J.M.Barrie’s novel, Peter and Wendy, or in his play, Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up.

Illustration by Roy Best from the 1931 edition of Peter Pan.


  1. Yes, I agree completely with you and Tinkerbell. The best part of my day is this slowly waking up period. I do my best artistic work and feel lucky when I wake up early. I feel free, fly or float in all directions in search for solutions or new ideas.
    Since I often have something unfinished in my head before I go to sleep, I have learn not to "push" my work. I know my dreams will give me the right answer....and it's always the best.

  2. "... without bumps and grins.." -- intentional or slip, I always love your words and extract many layers of meaning from them, like distilling the flower essences. Thanks! See you in the Parade of Faces.

  3. Robert - thank you for bringing Tinkerbell today via Carol's email.

    Tink has been my personal guide all my life. I so well remember her twinkling in through the window in my bedroom as a child. Now she sits on my left shoulder and let's me know when I stray or joins me for adventures.

    I have Tink car mats, Tink hat, Tink shirt and got my photo taken with a Tink at Disneyland in CA!

    Magic is everywhere, especially in the twilight zone.

    Enjoy your time writing.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Patricia - I intended to write "aware" (and have now corrected my text). Still, as I often observe, it's interesting to notice what may be showing through the slips.

  6. Nancy - One of the pleasures of blogging is that my errant fingers often produce typos that create smiles and sometimes flash messages. Another is that said typos are very easily corrected! We certainly don't want to banish "grins".

  7. With a little imagination the sentence: “the place between sleep and awake is, above all, a wonderful place to rendezvous with other beings and other intelligences. It is a state in which we often become aware of the psychic activity around us". comes fully alive in Patricia her story

    Waking up in the Twilight Zone she is hearing "wake up now into the day." And just a few moments later she hears (in the waking world) a bird singing outside her window.
    I wonder if she also heard the bird when she was just waking up in the TZ. And instead of only the tsjilping you can hear as a human being in the waking world, she heard the true message what the bird was singing. "wake up now into the day."
