Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Song of the mountain dreamers

On top of this sacred land
my heart sings a new song of remembrance.
White birches in the moonlit woods
hold me and seed me.

Fueled by the garnet fire of the mountain
born in the heart of Deer
protected by Bear
guided by White Wolf
sighted by Hawk and Raven
we lift the veil of the impossible

I see my fears skitter on the skin of the flame
and then fall through, consumed.
I discover my true name
I return to myself
I become the direction I wish to honor
My wishes ride to the sky on a cloud of tobacco.

I find meaning in a stranger’s dream
and let it become my own. We are both healed
and are strangers no more. We are family.
Among these dreamers: support, love, community.
We are wrapped in angels’ wings, protected and guided,
until we find our own wings. Together we fly.

A new family of souls comes together
a family stronger than blood.
Deeper weddings take place here
I lift the veil and kiss the beloved of my soul
I dance with those I love through life and death .
celebrating, mourning, admonishing, loving.

The mountain wind breathes animal spirits
through me, and Wolf Mother enters my heart.
I remember who I am.

In the closing session of our gathering of active dreamers on Gore Mountain last weekend, I asked members of the circle to contribute phrases evoking our shared adventures in healing and transformation, to be woven into a community poem. This is the first version of this group creation.


  1. Uplifting. Reading this I believe Active Dream work steps up and offers a family of power toward a healthy vibrant earth, seven generations into the future.

    Thank you Robert for taking this dyslexic woman into a passion for writing. Thank you Robert for taking this energy fearfilled child into a way of living that allows her to feel pleasure and warmth with all the groups she now belongs to. Joyfilled, Yes! Thank you for nudging and roaring and holding heart space! Thank you for Active Dreaming.

  2. Thank you, Patricia. It always warms my heart to read your lovely messages. Across the distance, you are a member of our dreaming family.

  3. Thanks for being such a creative member of our dream family, Roger.
