I am with a group of gentle but fiercely dedicated people whose cause is the Earth and the other species with which humans share life on the planet. One of them is a man who spends most of the year in the far north, monitoring changes in the oceans and the ice cap. He is troubled that the survival of a certain genus of giant whale may now be at risk. He shows me video he recorded during close-up, deep-sea encounters with two of these whales. Fascinating to watch their mating habits. Troubling that Earth changes generated by humans may be threatening their survival.
Next, I am leading a weekend workshop. I am delighted by the caliber of the participants, and by the gender balance in our group of about forty people. There are nearly as many men as women, which is rare in programs devoted to inner work. Some of the guys are keenly interested in developing practical applications for the Active Dreaming techniques, and for bringing them into social and professional networks to which they have access.
I sit with four of these men on a grassy knoll under some trees during one of our breaks. I would guess that their ages range from the late 30s to the early 50s. They are all educated, self-made men who have been successful in different fields. Some have created their own businesses. They know how to get things done, and they are excited to have a project that goes beyond any previous venture. One of the guys feels that helping people to follow their dreams is a noble cause, and tries to express this by saying, "We want to revive the original idea of the duke." This sounds a bit grandiose, though I recollect that this title of nobility derives from the Latin dux, or "leader". I gently deflect the medieval fancy, while thinking, in the same moment, This is great. These are the knights of dreaming.
My little dog pulled me out of my dreams at this point, this morning. But I rose into the day feeling very happy and grateful that such promising connections were made, overnight. These were social dreams. I have no doubt that the encounters were real. I'll be alert to see how they can now manifest in waking life.
This is fabulous. I know to bring dreaming back to our society and world community is a continuing goal and one that we all dream about. I have seen so many changes in the past few decades and so many advances in people sharing and communicating in the way they are in your dream/vision that I don't doubt that this beautiful dream is within the realm of possibility in our lifetime. I will continue to hold it near my heart.
Thanks, Wanda. This is indeed something for all of us to dream on, in the sense of dream forward into manifestation.
The imagery of chivalrous knights will probably always have a hold on my imagination -and when it can be harnessed in service to the Goddess & the Earth then those virtues could truly blossom.
To me this dream of yours -if it were mine- is representative of the type of shift necessary for businessmen if business IS NOT to continue as usual. Not that we can't all find some semblance of wealth, but wealth must rethought, and more importantly, redistributed and relived.
As a man who is involved in dream and other inner play, it is always nice to have my elder sisters and aunts along to help me out. For this quiet revolution to grow though I'd love to see more men get involved. This dream bodes well for that. As the U.S. dollar continues to crumble -much like the rubles from our Soviet friends whose "sister" superpower begin to collapse ahead of ours- we will be in need of savvy and connected business men to dream up new economic structures whose bottom line is not personal/corporate gain, but the service of the Earth and its attendant spirits.
Thank you Sir Robert. This dream of yours has me impassioned for knightly duty.
Robert, Wanda, Justin Patrick - wow, what great energy! Leadership, companionship and support :)
Robert - I attended your session in Vancouver last May, and this entry has reminded me of my partner's vision for me. It was about locating the group of men-warriors that will be part of my find my destiny. You inspired me to write an entry about it in my blog, 'errandknight': http://errandknight.blogspot.com/2011/11/iahklu-knights.html
I'm optimistic we can find ways for men to use their worldly drive for good, to protect the Earth, and to be in Service. This imagery has great power..
Perhaps before sleep we can say, "tonight - we ride!"
Thank you.
Beautiful and powerful dream Robert. Certainly a vision to hold in ones heart. We can certainly use additional leadership in the dream area to keep it expanding and growing in a good way. --Blessings, Mogenns
Justin - Glad to hear your sense of chivalry has been aroused. I have been known to call myself "a soldier of the Goddess". We need many more.
Patrick - "errand knight" - I love it! Lots of errands for willing dream knights. Ride on.
Nina - how I love the Knight of Water! In Tarot he is the Knight (or King) of Cups.
Thanks for drawing us to look again at Carpaccio's knight. The detail of the hawk attacking the heron - while the heron's mate waits on her nest - fills me with tristesse, and far memories of divided loyalties.
Thanks, Mogenns. Yes, indeed, a vision to carry. Don't leave home without one..
Fascinating vision, Robert. That same morning I dreamed of being in a community that was balanced men and women. We were all dedicated to living for a purpose beyond ourselves. I awoke completely filled with joy and a lifted sense we all were. I whole heartedly agree; this is social dreaming. You can count on me to bring it forward.
Gary - Great dream, great intention. I count you as one of the knights of dreaming.
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