Friday, March 11, 2011

Finding my niche, with a new subtle body

I am in a great open shaft that goes deep into the earth. There are niches in the earthen walls, suffused with golden light. In one of these I find an energy body that corresponds to my own.
      It is the white of alabaster. I am awed by its flawless beauty. It is in a posture reminiscent of Rodin's "The Thinker". It has never been used, but may now be available. When I place my hands on it, it gives a little under my touch, like plasticine.
     I can mold it any way I like. With care, I can shape it into a plausible version of my present self, stronger and more attractive, but not impossibly so.
I understand that the thing to do, once satisfied with the preliminary shaping, is to put this on like a garment. But how do I get inside? There are many possible entry points, I understand. The crown of the head or the mouth would work well. But best, always, is the gateway of the heart.
     I experiment with slipping inside this form and bringing it into rosy life. I realize that in doing this, I'll want to leave an old, much-traveled garment behind, like soiled underclothes. I visualize putting it in a hamper in the niche and sealing the top.
     This is all very exciting, inside the dream. I wonder if I can help people in urgent need of healing and regeneration to make a swap of this kind.

Feelings: Continued excitement.

Reality: I am aware of the existence of subtle bodies, and interested in the possibility of transfer of consciousness between them. The great open shaft is familiar to me from other dream travels. Regeneration is now a huge theme in biomedicine.

Question: Can I borrow something from this dream to help others to heal and regenerate?

Rodin plaster cast for L'age d'airain, in the National Gallery of Art


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a fantastic and powerful, healing dream image. I love it. I recently had a dream journey where a stag's head appeared in my heart. His antlers grew out from his head and began forming my ribcage, to protect the heart and then continued to expand replacing all the bones of my body. This is a timely healing image for me since I am quite literally recovering from broken back bones and a broken ankle.

    Thank you Robert for another powerful image that I might now use for myself and others.

  3. Robert: I believe this is one of the highest forms of healing imagery and one that I have used for years as part of my daily meditation practice. The way it works for me is at a certain point in my meditation I find myself at a point of 'going higher' and I look down at my body and unzip it from top of the head down the center of my body and it comes away like a pair of old pajamas. This I either leave behind or occasionally set afire depending on the overall health of my being (fire being purification). Generally I will proceed with my meditation feeling much lighter and less bogged down. Oh, and my *real* body is always made of light ...

  4. Hi Robert,

    I have a very clear memory of choosing this body out of many going by me, headed downwards in a similar shaft. I really love the idea of being able to use this place for healing in a current lifetime and may see if I can explore it myself!

  5. What a beautiful dream. I, too, am excited by the possibilities. In my dream, the resonance in my own life is overwhelming and the associations in my dreams with our ability to rebirth ourselves in body and mind when healing is needed. Entering through the heart speaks, for me, of the necessity of energizing and giving new life to our spiritual selves when we begin a healing process, all part of taking on a new form.

    In my own dreams I harvested and rebuilt a body; but, in my dream of yours, this is equally as marvelous a means of transition and more "subtle-ly" beautiful. I can visualize a journey of going deep into the earth and finding the treasure of a fresh form that I recognize as belonging solely to me and finding a way of safely leaving behind what I need to leave behind as I flawlessly move into this flexible vibrant new self. In my dream, it is, as you say, important to seal what I leave behind, and the container would be important. I would love to see this image blossom and offered to others.

  6. The image of the subtle body reminds me of a comment from my Mom as she was dying over 20 years ago: 'Your Light is too bright.'
    Yes, it is, just like everyone's Light. I was 'hurt' by this. It felt like a rejection at the time of parting.
    Those words were a life changer for me! I am practicing Seeing other people's Light and reflecting that quality to they can see themselves more clearly. Blesses me and them. Mom shows up with more of her own Light and Love in my dreams now.

  7. Turquoise - wonderful to hear that your mom visits you now (and/or vice versa) in her own Light.

  8. Nina - In the way of synchronicity, I am coming to your most interesting dream report rather late, after a recent dream of my own in which I watched a documentary in which a second woman's head had been superposed on the body of a friend who had permitted herself to be used as a model. This was a rather beautiful film, representing the Mother in all phases, from pregancy through childbirth to nursing. I shall have to let your report marinate for a while before commenting directly.

  9. Irene - What a fantastic gift of imaginal healing from the Deer. As you know, the gift of the Deer includes the power of regeneration; the antlers fall and grow back. I can not only visualize that splendid energy moving to restore and strengthen your bones, but can picture you learning to transfer this gift to others in need of healing.

    When we do our journey through the energy centers, I have often found the stag at my own heart center.

  10. Aylee - That's a wonderful "far memory". Probably we would all do better if we could rise to the agreement that we have chosen the basic assignment - and physical vehicle - we occupy in this lifetime. Of course, it's also nice (as in my dream?) to have further options...

  11. Wanda - Your own dreams of harvesting body parts and rebuilding a body, bravely and deftly woven into wakeful meditation, are a great model of self-healing through the imagination. Those who want to know more would do well to seek a copy of your marvelous book SHE WHO DREAMS.

  12. DhyZen - Thanks for sharing this interesting practice. In fire rituals, I often encourage people to take this into the physical plane through movement to shake off the "snake skin" of the old life, followed by casting appropriate items into the flames and expelling any remaining unwanted heavy energies on the breath.

  13. Robert, My heart and spirit are so touched by your response to my dream. Reading it was like a warm, soft breeze lightly blowing on my face. Blessings!
